Unlocking your data card easy
- DC-unlocker is a program specialized for data card unlocking.
- It is the first universal data card unlocking product worldwide.
- It is fast ( takes 5 - 60 seconds to unlock), easy to use and functional program with clear interface.
- It doesn't need any cables or adapters for unlocking. The data card can be simply unlocked in the same notebook where a PCMCIA or Express socket exists.
- New models are being added regularly.
- No need to select any COM ports, auto detect function.
- Free updates for 1 year.
Added:Routers:Vodafone R207,Huawei E5373,Customized modems and
routers:Huawei E3272(Airtel India),E5372 (Mobily, Zain Saudi
Arabia),Phones:ZTE:WP750V,Z432,Dissable ports for Novatel routers,Reset
wrong code counter Hisilicon not customised modems features.
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